113XXX - Receivables
113100 Taxes Receivable
This account consists of the uncollected portion of taxes the State has levied and are due.
Accounts Receivable
This account subgroup includes amounts owed on open account from private persons, firms, or corporations for goods and services furnished by a governmental unit during its normal course of business. It does include amounts due from other funds of the state which are quasi-external in character.
- 113200 Accounts Receivable
- 113210 Accounts Receivable - Students
- 113220 Accounts Receivable - Patients
- 113230 Retailer Accounts Receivable
- 113231 NSF Receivable
- 113232 NSF Fee Due
Allowance For Doubtful Accounts
This account subgroup reflects that portion of accounts receivable estimated not to be collectible.
- 113300 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
- 113310 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts-Students
- 113320 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts-Patients
- 113330 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts-Tax Revenues
- 113340 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts-Contractual Adjustments
- 113350 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts-Indigent Care Write-offs
- 113360 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts-Pledges
- 113370 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts-Contributions
Intergovernmental Receivables
This account subgroup includes receivables due from other governments.
- 113410 Local Governments Receivables
This account is used to record receivables from local government units such as counties, cities and towns, school units, council on government agencies (COG's), municipal finance agencies, etc. - 113420 Federal Agency Receivables
This account is used to record receivables from the Federal Government. - 113425 Receivables from Other States
To record receivables from agencies, authorities, commissions, departments, etc. of other states, not NC agencies. NCAS title is INTERGOV--OTHER STATE REC.Interest Earnings Receivable - 113450 Allowance for Doubtful Accounts – Intergovernmental Receivables
To reflect the portion of intergovernmental receivables estimated not to be collectible. This account will roll to the Intergovernmental receivables caption on the balance sheet/statement of net position.
Interest Earnings Receivable
This account includes investment earnings receivable on investments owned by the state.
- 113510 Interest Earnings Receivable On Mortgages/Loans/Notes
- 113520 Interest Receivable - On Investments
113600 Premiums Receivable
This account includes premiums recorded in internal service and enterprise funds; such as premiums to the medical insurance and disability benefit plans, or Public School Insurance Fund.
113700 Contributions Receivable
This account includes contributions receivable to the pension trust funds, Death Benefit Plan of NC, Disability Income Plan of NC, deferred compensation plan, and unemployment compensation fund.
1138AA Receivables Clearing
To record clearing account activity that results in a receivable transaction. This account must have a zero balance at June 30. The last two positions of the account number and the account title are defined by the agency. The flexibility in this account must not be used to replace any existing statewide account.
Other Current Receivables
This account subgroup includes all other current receivables not classified elsewhere.
- 113910 Due From Employees
This account is used to record overpayments or other moneys due from employees on payroll items such as insurance premiums, repayment of leave, etc. This account does not include outstanding travel advances. - 113930 Federal Funds Receivable Clearing
Account used to track receivables due to cover federal expenditures. This account will be consolidated with the Federal Funds Payable Clearing account at year end. - 113931 Other Contracts and Grants Receivable Clearing
- 113940 Pledges Receivable
This account includes promises from nongovernmental entities, including individuals, to provide cash or other assets. - 113990 Other Current Receivable