219XXX - Other Current Liabilities
Short-term Debt
219100 Revolving Line of Credit
219101 Commercial Paper
219102 Anticipation Notes
219151 Net OPEB Liability - Current
Current portion of the Net OPEB Liability. This account is classified as a long-term liability for financial statement disclosure. Net OPEB Liability: the portion of the actuarial present value of projected benefit payments that is attributed to past periods of employee service, less the OPEB plan's fiduciary net position. The account should only reflect the allocated portion of the net OPEB liability for that agency for cost-sharing plans and any net OPEB liability associated with single-employer plans administered by the agency. [See GASB 75 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions for more information.]
219200 Hedging Derivatives Liability - Current
This account is used to record a hedging derivative with a negative fair value. Hedging derivatives are generally classified as noncurrent, except when the criteria for classifying as current is met.