Procedures - Adding an Existing Distribution to Your Company

Adding an Existing Distribution to your Company Step-by-Step

After signing on:

Step # Step


Type .GL in the ACTION field on any screen and press ENTER to access the Online Processing (001) screen. (You must type the period.)


Type 001 in the NEXT FUNCTION field and press ENTER to access the Online Processing (001) screen.


Type 4 in the ENTER SELECTION field and press ENTER to access the Online Update (006) screen.


Type 3 in the ENTER SELECTION field and press ENTER to access the Chart of Accounts (008) screen.


Type S in the SELECT field of the 286 Account segment and press ENTER to access the Add or Change Account (286) screen.


Type A in the OPTION field to signify an account addition. Other options are C(hange) an account, E(nd) the addition or change, or R(epeat) an addition.


Type your company number in the COMPANY field.


Type the account number in the ACCOUNT ID field.

Note:  If you add an account that is an AA account, type the 
          account description in the ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION field.


Press ENTER to validate the addition of the account.


Note the following message: Master File Updated.  Please enter the key for next account.

Note: If you add an account that is not on the Statewide Master Account List, the following message is displayed: Account Number is not on the Master account table. 


Press ENTER to complete the add transaction of the company/account combination.


Type 287 in the NEXT FUNCTION field and press ENTER to access the Add or Change an Account/Cntr (287) screen.


Type A in the OPTION field to add the account/center combination.


Type your company number in the COMPANY field.


Type your account number in the ACCOUNT ID field.


Type your new center number in the CNTR ID field.


Press ENTER to complete the add transaction of the company/account/center combination.

If no company and center descriptions record exists for the center on the custom control file, the system displays the following warning:

Warning*****Center Description is not on TM700

The system will also check to see if the center being added is a postable (or type 'C') center.  If not, the following warning is displayed:

Warning*****Center Description is for Reporting Center

These warnings are informational and will not restrict the addition of a center to a valid account.  To remove the warning and complete the addition of the center, simply press ENTER again.

Note: Once you have added the account/center combination, you must add the center description.


Type 288 in the NEXT FUNCTION field and press ENTER to access the Miscellaneous Descriptions (288) screen.


Type A in the OPTION field to add the description.


Type your company number in the COMPANY field.


Type your center number in the DESCRIPTION ID field. The description ID is always the number assigned to the center.


Type C in the TYPE field to indicate that the type is a center description. Another option is a R(eporting) description.


Type the description in the DESCRIPTION field and press ENTER to accept the new description.