Accounting Rules Categories - Recording Quarterly Reversions
General government agencies are allotted portions of their authorized budget on a quarterly basis. At the end of each quarter, any remaining allotment that has not been spent must be reverted to the state. Quarterly reversions are recorded through the Budgetary Control (BC) module, using the journal voucher screens, as data type 2 transactions.
- Records reversion entry.
- Use a 17 document ID.
- Keeps original transaction.
EL Allotment/Reversion Offset (Budgeted Requirements)
- Records authorized and certified expenditure reversion entry.
- Use a 17 document ID.
RL Allotment/Reversion Offset (Estimated Revenues)
- Records authorized and certified revenue reversion entry.
- Use a 17 document ID.
Special 4th Quarter Reversion for 19XXX Budget Codes:
NL 4th Quarter Reversion - Required to eliminate Cash Roll Forward
- This only impacts the following agencies with general fund revenue budget codes (19XXX): AOC, Department of Insurance, Secretary of State, Department of Labor and Board of Elections.
- Use a 17 Document ID
- Keeps original transaction