Accounts Payable - Accounting Manager - 999901
Y/N |
Function Code |
Function Description |
N |
Ach |
Auto clring house definition |
N |
Aod |
Acctg options and default |
N |
Bac |
Bank account definition |
N |
Bap |
Bank acct pymt definition |
Y |
Bcc |
Bank cycle controls |
Y |
Bccl |
Bank cycle controls list |
Y |
Bcel |
Budget cntl except list |
N |
Bcq |
Budgetary control queue |
Y |
Bdl |
Bank definitions list |
Y |
Bkl |
Bank account list |
N |
Bnk |
Bank account information |
Y |
Bpl |
Bank acct pymt codes list |
Y |
Brm |
Bank reconciliation menu |
N |
Cde |
Control document entry |
Y |
Cgr |
Control group review |
N |
Cgs |
Control group status |
N |
Cur |
Currency |
N |
Cvt |
Calendar for vend totals |
Y |
Dar |
Doc authorization release |
Y |
Dci |
Document comment inq |
Y |
Dcl |
Document list |
Y |
Ddl |
Duplicate document list |
Y |
Dgi |
Document general info |
Y |
Dhl |
Document history list |
Y |
Dla |
Detail line add info |
N |
Dlc |
Document level comments |
Y |
Dlh |
Doc distribution line hist |
Y |
Dll |
Document detail line list |
Y |
Dms |
Document maint select |
Y |
Dpa |
Document pymt add info |
Y |
Dpg |
Doc pymt general info |
N |
Dsc |
Descriptions |
Y |
Dtl |
Description table |
Y |
Eal |
Expense account list |
N |
Ear |
Employee advance request |
Y |
Ecd |
Empl exp cancel/delete |
N |
Emw |
Empl exp maint worksheet |
Y |
Enl |
Entity name list |
Y |
Gdl |
Gl effective dates list |
N |
Ged |
Gl effective dates |
N |
Gli |
Gl interface options |
Y |
Hdl |
History document list |
N |
Hdr |
Held document release |
Y |
Icd |
Invoice cancel/delete |
N |
Ihr |
Invoice history restore |
N |
Imp |
Invoice matching |
N |
Imw |
Invoice maint worksheet |
Y |
Ipc |
Inv remain pymt cancel |
Y |
Ipl |
Invoice to po list |
Y |
Ipm |
Item purchasing select |
Y |
Irl |
Invoice by pymt ref no |
N |
Irq |
Inv reapply work queue |
N |
Ism |
Interrupt setup/maint |
Y |
Itm |
Product/item selection |
N |
Iwq |
Invoice work queue |
Y |
Mca |
Mini-chart of accounts |
Y |
Mcl |
Mini-chrt of accts list |
N |
Mdt |
Multiple distribution |
Y |
Mpe |
Manual payment entry |
Y |
Mpi |
Multiple payment inquiry |
N |
Mre |
Batch match recycle error |
N |
Mrq |
Batch match recycle queue |
N |
Msgs |
Error message maint |
N |
Mws |
Model invoice worksheet |
Y |
Ocl |
Open control group list |
N |
Olm |
Operator lang maint |
N |
Opp |
Operator profile |
Y |
Pcc |
Pymt entity cycle controls |
Y |
Pcn |
Payment cancellation |
Y |
Pcr |
Payment clearance |
Y |
Pdl |
Payment due date list |
N |
Pdr |
Provisional doc release |
N |
Pec |
Paying entity controls |
N |
Pen |
Paying entity setup |
N |
Pes |
Payment escheats |
Y |
Pil |
Po to invoice list |
Y |
Pmn |
Payment maintenance |
N |
Ppc |
Prtl pymt create/release |
N |
Pqc |
Purchasing amaps controls |
Y |
Prh |
Prepayment hold |
Y |
Prp |
Payment replacement |
N |
Ptc |
Payment terms codes |
Y |
Ptl |
Payment terms codes list |
Y |
Pyl |
Payment list |
Y |
Rmc |
Remit messages codes |
Y |
Rml |
Remit messages codes list |
N |
Sac |
Signature approval codes |
Y |
Sacl |
Signature approv code list |
N |
Sag |
Signature approval group |
Y |
Sagl |
Signature approv grp list |
N |
Scc |
System configuration |
N |
Sclt |
Screen literal maint |
N |
Sem |
Security maintenance |
Y |
Ssm |
Save/show maintenance |
Y |
Tal |
Use tax authorities list |
N |
Tnc |
1099 codes |
Y |
Tnl |
1099 codes list |
N |
Trm |
Terms code table |
Y |
Uml |
Units of measure list |
N |
Uom |
Units of measure |
N |
Uta |
Use tax authorities |
N |
Vdd |
Vend default distrib |
Y |
Vec |
View exception comments |
Y |
Vfl |
Vend perm factor lookup |
N |
Vgn |
Vendor general info |
Y |
Vos |
Order from vendor setup |
N |
Vpd |
Vendor po defaults |
Y |
Vpl |
Vendor performance list |
N |
Vpn |
Vendor payable info |
Y |
Vpt |
Vendor payment totals |
N |
Vpy |
Vendor payment method |
Y |
Vrs |
Remit to vendor setup |
Y |
Vsl |
Vendor short name lookup |
N |
Vsu |
Vendor setup |
N |
Word |
Word literal maintenance |