Accrual Basis Requirements - Unappropriated Funds

Cash carryforwards for unappropriated funds must be reclassified on June 30 to convert financial data from the cash basis to the modified accrual basis of accounting. The reclassification is processed on a BC journal voucher as a closed period adjustment with an effective date of June 30. These journal vouchers require a "33" in the third and fourth positions of the document ID to ensure its automated reversal in the next fiscal year. The entry to record the accrual follows.  XXXX represents the agency company number.

Comp Account Center DR/CR

XXXX 111232 Fund to which cash automates DR Cash Carry forward - Unappropriated

XXXX 211210 Detail Center CR (for payroll clearing accounts)

XXXX 211220 Detail Center CR (for health benefits clearing accounts)

XXXX 21XXXX Detail Center CR (for 2138AA account recorded to may vary)