DPS Security Profile System Administrator - 984210
Y/N |
Function Code |
Function Description |
N |
Aod |
Accounting options |
N |
Aut |
Except auth code lookup |
N |
Bal |
Balancing |
Y |
Bcel |
Budget cntl except list |
N |
Bcq |
Budget cntl except queue |
N |
Bec |
Buying entity controls |
N |
Bed |
Buying entity defaults |
N |
Ben |
Buying entity setup |
N |
Bgo |
Buy entity gl options |
Y |
Bil |
Buyer id list |
Y |
Bsl |
Buyer statistics list |
N |
Buy |
Buyer setup |
N |
Bws |
Buyer work sheet |
N |
Dib |
Default item buyer id |
N |
Dpf |
Dts processing functions |
Y |
Dpl |
Dts processing codes list |
Y |
Drl |
Dts routing list |
N |
Dsa |
Dock-to-stock area |
Y |
Dsc |
Descriptions |
N |
Dsd |
Dock-to-stock disposition |
N |
Dsi |
Dock-to-stock inspection |
Y |
Dsl |
Dts area codes list |
N |
Dsr |
Dock-to-stock routings |
Y |
Dss |
Dock-to-stock summary |
Y |
Dtl |
Description table list |
Y |
Dts |
Dts inquiry selection |
Y |
Enl |
Entity name list |
Y |
Fcl |
Fob codes list |
N |
Fob |
Fob maintenance |
N |
Gbl |
Grant and bid list |
Y |
Gbm |
Grant and bid maint |
N |
Ian |
Item alternate names |
Y |
Ici |
Item comment/spec inq |
N |
Ics |
Item comments/specs |
N |
Idf |
Item definition |
Y |
Idl |
Invoice default cntl list |
N |
Ip1 |
Item purchasing details-1 |
N |
Ip2 |
Item purchasing details-2 |
Y |
Ipa |
Item history period act |
Y |
Iph |
Item history po |
Y |
Ips |
Item history po selection |
Y |
Isn |
Item short name lookup |
Y |
Iva |
Item hist vend act stats |
Y |
Ivp |
Item hist vend perform |
Y |
Ivs |
Item hist vend selection |
N |
Mca |
Mini chart of accounts |
Y |
Mcl |
Mini chart accounts list |
N |
Mdt |
Multiple distribution tble |
N |
Msgs |
Error message maint |
N |
Olm |
Operator language maint |
N |
Opd |
Online print defaults |
Y |
Pci |
Po comment inquiry |
N |
Pcm |
Po header & line comments |
N |
Pec |
Paying entity controls |
N |
Pen |
Paying entity setup |
N |
Ph1 |
Po header information-1 |
N |
Ph2 |
Po header information-2 |
Y |
Pha |
Po hdr additional info |
Y |
Phc |
Po head traffic routing |
Y |
Phf |
Po head financial info |
Y |
Phg |
Po header general info |
Y |
Phi |
Po header inquiry select |
Y |
Phm |
Po header inquiry menu |
N |
Phs |
Po header status select |
Y |
Phv |
Po header vendor info |
N |
Pl1 |
Po line information-1 |
N |
Pl2 |
Po line information-2 |
Y |
Plc |
Po line receipt/inv cntls |
Y |
Plf |
Po line financial info |
Y |
Plg |
Po line general info |
Y |
Pli |
Po line inquiry selection |
Y |
Plo |
Po line ordered item info |
Y |
Plr |
Po line ord/recpt/inv info |
N |
Pls |
Po line status selection |
Y |
Pmi |
Po invoice matching info |
N |
Pqc |
Purchasing amaps controls |
N |
Psc |
Po status control |
N |
Ptc |
Payment terms code |
Y |
Ptl |
Payment terms code list |
N |
Qcm |
Rqst for quote comments |
Y |
Qid |
Quote inquiry po defaults |
Y |
Qig |
Quote inq general info |
Y |
Qip |
Quote inquiry pricing info |
Y |
Qiv |
Quote inq vend/ratings |
N |
Qno |
Quote notes |
Y |
Rai |
Rqst approval inquiry |
Y |
Ras |
Requisition approval |
N |
Rbi |
Held receipts by item no |
N |
Rbl |
Receiving by po line no |
N |
Rcd |
Rqst class definition (closed) |
Y |
Rci |
Requisition comment inq |
Y |
Rcl |
Requester code list |
N |
Rcm |
Rqst hdr/line comments |
Y |
Rdl |
Receipt default cntl list |
Y |
Red |
Requester definition |
N |
Rel |
Released receipt |
N |
Rex |
Receipt exception |
N |
Rfq |
Request for quotation |
N |
Rhr |
Releasing held receipts |
Y |
Ri1 |
Requisition inquiry-1 |
Y |
Ri2 |
Requisition inquiry-2 |
Y |
Rid |
Receiving item delivery |
Y |
Rii |
Rfq inquiry by item |
N |
Riq |
Request for item quote |
Y |
Ris |
Receipt inquiry selection |
Y |
Riv |
Rfq inquiry by vendor |
Y |
Rq1 |
Requisition line-1 |
Y |
Rq2 |
Requisition line-2 |
N |
Rqa |
Rqst approval (closed) |
N |
Rqd |
Requisition delete |
N |
Rqh |
Requisition header |
Y |
Rqi |
Requisition inquiry select |
N |
Rqs |
Requisition selection |
N |
Rrc |
Receipt and return mod |
Y |
Rri |
Receipt and return inquiry |
N |
Rsu |
Receipt setup |
N |
Rtn |
Returns |
N |
Rtp |
Requisition to po |
N |
Scc |
System config control |
N |
Sclt |
Screen literal maint |
Y |
Sel |
Po line selection |
N |
Sem |
Security maintenance |
N |
Spd |
Standard phrase desc |
Y |
Spl |
Standard phrase desc list |
N |
Spt |
Standard phrase table |
Y |
Sptl |
Standard phrase table list |
Y |
Sri |
Split requisition inquiry |
N |
Srs |
Split requisition select |
Y |
Ssm |
Save/show maintenance |
Y |
Stl |
Ship-to codes list |
N |
Stt |
Ship-to |
Y |
Svl |
Ship-via codes list |
N |
Svt |
Ship-via |
N |
Ufs |
User field setup |
Y |
Uml |
Units of measure list |
N |
Uom |
Units of measure |
N |
Vdd |
Vendor default distrib |
Y |
Vfl |
Vendor perm fact lookup |
N |
Vgn |
Vendor general info |
Y |
Vos |
Vendor order from |
N |
Vpd |
Vendor purchasing defaults |
Y |
Vpl |
Vendor performance list |
N |
Vq1 |
Vendor item quote entry-1 |
N |
Vq2 |
Vendor item quote entry-2 |
Y |
Vqa |
Vendor quote analysis |
N |
Vqh |
Vendor quote header |
Y |
Vrs |
Vendor remit to |
Y |
Vsl |
Vend short name lookup |
N |
Vsu |
Vendor setup |
N |
Word |
Word literal maint |