C/Y - Adjustments Report

Report Name
C\Y - Adjustments

RMDS Report Group
FA300-1 Exp/Trnsfr/Adjust

End of month

Records/Retention Requirements
ITEM 42913.  C\Y - Adjustment Report.  Fixed asset activity.

Disposition Instructions:  Destroy in office after 30 days.

This report provides a listing of all assets amount fields adjusted during the last reporting period or year-to-date.

This report details cost adjustments made to assets by fund and control.

The report gives totals by fund and control for cost, life-to-date reserve, year-to-date reserve, annual depreciation expense, salvage, and tax credit amount.

Column Headings

  • Fund
  • Cont
  • Asset numb
  • Adj date
  • Cost
  • Ltd reserve
  • Ytd reserve
  • Annual depr expense
  • Salvage
  • Tax CR amount