Expense Ledger Report

Report Name
Exp Ledger

RMDS Report Group
FA300-1 Exp/Trnsfr/Adjust

End of month

Records/Retention Requirements
ITEM 42914.  Expense Ledger Report.  Fixed asset activity.

Disposition Instructions:  Destroy in office after 30 days.

This report provides a listing of current period depreciation expense for all depreciable assets and all necessary information for journal entries to the general ledger.

This report details current period depreciation information by fund.

The report gives totals by fund for cost, period depreciation, year-to-date reserve, and life-to-date reserve.

Column Headings

  • Fund
  • Cont
  • Asset number
  • Depr begn
  • Est life
  • Rmng life
  • Qty
  • Dpr mth
  • Pc
  • Adr
  • Tx cd
  • Cost
  • Period depr
  • Ytd reserve
  • Ltd reserve