FICS 10362 Transaction Alert Report

Report Name
Transaction Alert
FICS 10362

RMDS Report Group
GL820-1 Gl/Fics Reports

Per posting cycle.

Records/Retention Requirements
Item 42967.  Transaction Alert Report (FICS 10362).  General ledger activity.

Disposition Instructions:  Destroy in office after 12 months.

Use this report to identify and examine transactions that violated the alert criteria established for an account or account/center record by company.

This report contains a summary of alert transactions and messages indicating the reason for the alert for each company.

This report gives no totals.

Column Headings
The following column headings are listed by company:

  • Account
  • Center
  • Txn cd
  • Dr/cr code
  • Source code
  • Effective date
  • Amount
  • Transaction description - description 1, descrip 2
  • Reason for alert