FICS 10423 Master Control File Maintenance Listing Report

Report Name
Master Control File Maintenance Listing
FICS 10423

RMDS Report Group
GL820-1 Gl/Fics Reports

When new company/account/center distributions are established on the General Ledger through batch processing

Records/Retention Requirements
ITEM 42969.  Master Control File Maintenance Listing Report (FICS 10423).  General ledger activity.

Disposition Instructions:  Destroy in office after 12 months.

Use this report when setting up a new company/account/center through batch processing. It is an edit report, which should be examined to verify there were no errors and all new company/account/centers are correctly added. This report is only printed when new company/account/centers are added through batch.

This report contains a summary of each new company/account/center added and a message indicating it was correctly added or an error message, as appropriate.

The report gives no totals.

Column Headings

  • Company
  • Charge type
  • Account
  • Center
  • Class
  • Thru-charge type
  • Thru-account
  • Thru-center
  • Thru-class
  • Sub-id
  • Record-id
  • Action/code
  • Rpt-no
  • Rpt-center
  • Pg-ln
  • Calc-cd
  • Base-no
  • Pyr-cd
  • Excl-cd