FICS 11051 General Ledger Parameter Audit Report (for delete function processing)

Report Name

General Ledger Parameter Audit Report

FICS 11051

Systemware Report Group

GL Delete Function


As needed

Records/Retention Requirements(Pending Approval)

ITEM XXXXX.  General Ledger Parameter Audit Report (FICS 11051).  General ledger activity.

Disposition Instructions:  Destroy in office after 1 year.


Use this report to verify which companies are to be processed during the delete function run. The delete function is run as part

of the programmatic close process.


This report lists the front-end card parameters and any applicable error messages.


The report gives no totals.

Column Headings

  •      TC (Transaction Code)
  •      Company
  •      Param Id
  •      80 Character Ruler
  •      Comments