FICS 30781 Process Summary - GPP500 (for delete function processing)

Report Name
Process Summary - GPP500
FICS 30781

Systemware Report Group
GL Delete Function

As needed

Records/Retention Requirements(Pending Approval)
ITEM XXXXX.  Process Summary (FICS 30781).  General ledger activity.

Disposition Instructions:  Destroy in office after 1 year.

Use this report to verify record counts after the GPP500 job.

This report is a system control report that lists record counts for each file updated during the GPP500 job. GPP500 performs
three functions depending on the input parameters: 1) closes a set of books for a fiscal year, 2) opens the next year to be
processed, and 3) deletes companies with no accounts, accounts with no centers, and inactive account-centers with no

The report gives no totals.

Report Columns

  •      File Name
  •      Activity
  •      Number of Records Processed