FICS 90801 Process Summary - GPP800

Report Name
Process Summary - GPP800
FICS 90801

Systemware Report Group

As needed

Records/Retention Requirements(Pending Approval)
ITEM XXXXX.  Process Summary - GPP800 (FICS 90801).  General ledger activity.

Disposition Instructions: Destroy in office after 1 year.

Use this report to verify record counts after the GPP800 job.

This report is a system control report that lists record counts for each file updated during the GPP800 job. GPP800 performs
two functions:

   1.Replacing ending balances and aggregate amounts residing on the Open or Closed Year databases (GMP11 or
     GMP21) and added new ending balance and aggregate records on the GMP21. Validates and processes parameter
     information for the Year Open/Close/Delete process.
   2.Resummarizing the account, class, and group summary records on the database.

The report gives no totals.

Report Columns

  •      File Name
  •      Activity
  •      Number of Records Processed