FA500-A Current Year Cost Adjustment to Prior Year Capital Acquisitions - Proprietary Funds (BCs 5XXXX/7XXXX)

Current Year Cost Adjustment to Prior Year Capital Acquisitions - Proprietary Funds (BC'S 5XXXX/7XXXX)

XPTR Report Group
FA500-A Cap Cost Adj-Py

End of month

Records/Retention Requirement
ITEM 42917. Current Year Cost Adjustment to Prior Year Capital Acquisitions - Proprietary Funds (BC'S 5XXXX/7XXXX) (C-FA-Capital-Asset-Reports ) Fixed asset activity.

Disposition Instructions: Destroy year-end reports after 5 years and upon release from all audits.

This report shows cost adjustments to prior year capital assets in the proprietary funds.

This report gives only the totals by fund group the number of cost adjustments and the total adjustment costs for prior fiscal year capital acquisitions in the Proprietary funds.

The report gives a total of assets and cost adjustments by company, control, fund, and fund group by dept/div.

Column Headings

  • Fund group
  • Cntl
  • Asset number
  • Adj date
  • Acq date
  • Adj amount
  • Additional description