FA500-D Capital Assets Transferred-In Report - Proprietary Funds (BCs 5XXXX-7XXXX)

Report Name
Capital Assets Transferred-In Report - Proprietary Funds (BC'S 5XXXX-7XXXX)

XPTR Report Group
FA500-D Cap Transfer In

End of month

Records/Retention Requirement
ITEM 42917. Capital Assets Transferred-In Report - Proprietary Funds (BC'S 5XXXX-7XXXX) (C-FA-Capital-Asset-Reports). Fixed asset activity.

Disposition Instructions: Destroy year-end reports after 5 years and upon release from all audits.

This report can be used for the monthly reconciliation of transfer transactions into an agency.

This detail report lists all transfers into an agency.

The report gives totals for the number of assets transferred and the total amount of acquisition cost transferred by department/division for assets greater than or equal to $5000 in the proprietary funds.

Column Headings

  • Company transfer to
  • Asset number transferred in
  • Company transfer from
  • Asset number transferred from
  • Trnsfr date
  • Acquisition cost transferred
  • Additional description
  • Fund
  • Control