Purchase Order Receipt Payment Basis Analysis of Invoice Status Report

Report Series Name

Report Name
Purchase Order Receipt Payment Basis
Analysis Of Invoice Status Report

Source code is located in APPUBLIC

Use this report to review by buying entity the difference between the purchase order amount and the invoiced amount.

This report lists PO lines that have quantity ordered equal to quantity received, but the purchase order amount is not equal to the invoiced amount. The report only lists PO lines with a receipt status and invoice status of Closed.


Column Headings

  • PO #-- Purchase Order number.
  • PO LINE # - Purchase Order Line number.
  • REC STAT - Line Receipt Status: indicates the status of the line to receiving Only Closed lines are displayed on the report.
  • INV STAT - Line Invoice Status: indicates the status of the line to invoicing. Only Closed lines are diplayed on the report.
  • QTY ORD - Quantity ordered measured in the ordered item's unit of purchase.
  • QTY REC - Quantity received measured in the ordered items unit of purchase.
  • QTY INV - Quantity invoiced to date measured in the ordered items units of purchase.
  • AMT ORDERED - If payment basis is Receipt, then this amount will be the total amount from the receipt line; otherwise the base permit to pay amount will be the quantity received multiplied by the PO line price. This calculated amount will be used at invoice entry to calculate the permit to pay for the invoice, which is the base permit to pay less the amount invoiced to date for the PO line.
  • AMT INVOICED- Amount invoiced to date against the purchase order line.
  • DIFFERENCE - Difference between the amount ordered and the amount invoiced.

Run Statements
The run statement member name is C-U-AP-Invoice-Status-Run

000010 Options Library(Appublic)
000100 Run C-U-Ap-Invoice-Status ;
000110 Into Library Xxxxxxxx ;
000200 Select Pur-Po-Buying-Entity ;
000300 ('Xxxx' 'Xxxx')

Type over the displayed variable values with your agency’s values.