Suspended Control Audit Report
Report Series Name
Report Name
Suspended Control Audit Report
Source code is located in GLPUBLIC
Use this report to review the details of suspended batches being held in the Suspended Batch Master (SBM) file in General Ledger.
This report contains both the header and detailed line information, including error messages, for SBM batches. This report may be produced for specific SBM batches or multiple SBM batches based on company number and SBM posting date. The report is ordered by company, posting date, and SBM batch number. Batch header information is on a separate page from the posting entry details.
not applicable
Page Headings:
- SBM CO ID - lists the general ledger (GL) company number
- SBM POSTING DATE - lists the entry date that was used when this batch was placed on the SBM file.
- SBM BATCH NBR - lists the number assigned by general ledger to this batch of transactions when it was placed on the SBM file.
- SBM SUB BATCH NUMBER - lists an additional number used in combination with the SBM batch number to uniquely identify this batch of transactions.
- SUSPENDED BATCH TYPE - lists the batch type: Error, Future-Dated, or Recurring
- RECURRING CODE - lists a code to indicate if this batch is recurring. Recurring batches are processed automatically by the system as needed. For non-recurring batches, this field is blank.
- PURGE DATE - lists the date a recurring batch will be purged automatically by the system. For non-recurring batches, this field is blank.
- OPERATOR ID - lists the number of the last user who created or changed the batch.
- TERMINAL ID - lists the terminal number of the last user who created or changed the batch.
Column Headings: Batch Header Information
- BATCH TOTAL - lists the amount of total debits and credits in the batch (financial entries - data type 2 only). The debit and credit amounts must be equal.
- COMPANY - lists the 4-digit agency company number referenced on this batch of transactions.
- APPL AREA - lists the source of the entries. May be an interface or module ID code, persons initials, or other code.
- BATCH NBR - lists a code assigned by general ledger to uniquely identify this set of transactions.
- DATA TYPE - lists a 2 to indicate that the SBM batch includes financial transactions or a 3 to indicate that the SBM batch includes statistical transactions.
- CLOSE PER ADJ - lists a 1 to indicate that this batch is posting to a closed period. Lists a 0 to indicate that this batch is posting to the current period.
- EFFECTIVE DATE - lists the date on which the entries are to update balances in general ledger.
- SOURCE GENERATOR CODE - lists a 0 code to indicate that general ledger is not to create source codes for transactions with blank source codes. The source code is assigned to transactions as they are processed through Financial Controller.
- PROJECT CO - lists the company ID to which generated sub-ledger, or project accounting, entries are posted. NCAS does not use this field. It should be left blank.
- REVERSING EFF DATE - lists the date the batch of transactions will automatically be reversed. This is only used with accrual entries where the system automatically creates a future-dated reversing batch.
- USER SUSP ACCOUNT - lists an alternate suspense account (not account 99999999899) to use when posting invalid entries processed in this batch. If used, it must be a valid account/center combination.
- USER SUSP CNTR - lists an alternate suspense center (not center 999999999998) to use when posting invalid entries processed in this batch. If used, it must be a valid account/center combination.
- RECUR CODE - lists the code to indicate how often a batch of recurring entries is to recur. The system automatically generates a new batch of entries for posting based on this code. The valid options are:
- space or 0 not a recurring batch
- D recur daily
- W recur weekly
- P recur by period
- Q recur quarterly
- S standard batch (used in GL on-line entry only)
- RECUR PURGE DATE - lists the date on which a batch of recurring entries is to be automatically purged from SBM. The date should be one day greater that the last day on which the batch is to recur.
Column Headings: Posting Entry
- SBM ITEM NO - lists a sequential number assigned to each transaction on the SBM file.
- ACCOUNT - lists the general ledger account number to which this transaction is to be posted.
- CENTER - lists the general ledger center number to which this transaction is to be posted.
- INACTIVE FLAG - lists whether the accounting distribution is flagged as inactive. If the accounting distribution is not inactive, this field is blank.
- INACTIVE DATE - lists the date that the accounting distribution is inactive. If the accounting distribution is not inactive, this field is blank.
- DR/CR - lists the debit or credit code. Codes less than 40 represent debit amounts, while codes equal to or greater than 40 represent credit amounts.
- SOURCE CODE - lists the FC audit ID code assigned when transaction was processed through financial controller. This field may be blank.
- AMOUNT - lists the posting amount for this transaction.
- EFFECT DATE - lists the date this transaction updates the general ledger balances.
- DESCRIPTION 1 - lists GL description 1 information. This information varies depending on the source of the transaction.
Run Statements
The run statement member name is C-U-GL-SBM-LISTING-RUN.
000300 '00/00/00' ;
000500 '00/00/00' ;
000700 ('0000' '0000')
Type over the displayed variable values with your agencys values.
All SBM batches with a posting date between the GL-REPORT-BEG-DATE-VARIABLE and the GL-REPORT-END-DATE-VARIABLE are included on the report.
GL-REPORT-BEG-DATE-VARIABLE must be equal to or earlier than GL-REPORT-END-DATE-VARIABLE. To select a report for a specific posting date both the beginning and ending date variables must be the same.
Complete the GL-SUSP-COMPANY-ID statement to produce the suspended group audit report for specific companies and/or ranges of companies.