PA370 - Short Term Disability

Class Description Details

PA370 provides users with the skills to update Leaves of Absence with and without leave.

This class is part of the process for obtaining the Short Term Disability Specialist security role. 

To acquire this role you must do the following:

  • A Security Request must be submitted by the Agency's Data Owner to create/change roles assigned to an employee's position.  The required training classes must be completed before the position gains security access to the requested role.

At the conclusion of this course participants will:

  • Define Infotype 2010
  • Explain wage types
  • Process an IT2010 payment


Format: Web Based Training (WBT)

To launch this web-based training go to LMS.

Software Requirements:


  • PA210 - PA Terms, Concepts, and Display Data

More HR-Payroll Training Information:


Dawn Parrish - HR-PY Instructor

Dawn Parrish
PA Class Coordinator