Charge Object Maintainer

About This Role Obtaining This Role

The Charge Object Maintainer role creates and manages the agency-specific charge objects that are available for employees to charge their time to within their agencies.


  • Determine eligibility for employee
  • Determine leave options
  • Enter time for employees on short-term disability
  • Place employee on short-term disability status
  • Review employee benefit plans
  • Review employee documentation
  • Review employee payroll deductions and salary

A Security Request must be submitted by the Agency's Data Owner to create/change roles assigned to an employee's position.  The required training classes must be completed before the position gains security access to the requested role.

Required training:

  • TM230 Time Management Overview
  • TM330 Charge Object Maintainer





Additional roles added with Charge Object Maintainer:

  • FMLA Event Maintainer

Role Conflicts:

Those assigned this role should not be assigned the following roles to prevent conflicts of interests and to allow for segregation of duties:

  • N/A