Charts of Accounts

Displaying 1 - 20 of 103
Title Description
Deferred Inflows of Resources
Deferred Outflows of Resources
Fund Equity & Other Credits
111XXX-11RXXX - Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Pooled Cash

This account group includes undeposited receipts, petty cash, bank accounts (excluding certificates of deposit) managed by State agencies and institutions, and pooled cash accounts managed by the State Treasurer.

112101-112300 - Investments

This account group includes investments owned by an agency for the purpose of earning income on fund cash not immediately needed for operations. Investments and pooled investments include deposits held by the State Treasurer in certain long-term investment portfolios as well as investments held separately by the State and its component units. Investments are generally reported at fair value. The net increase (decrease) in the fair value of investments is recognized as a component of investment income.

113XXX - Receivables

This account group represents earned revenues and other resources which are expected to be realized in cash during the revenue recognition period.

114191-114910 - Interfund Receivables and Beneficial Interests

This account group consists of transfers between fund types and State departments and universities within State Government. Operating transfers and reimbursements are classified in this account group.

115100-115220 - Notes Receivable

This account group includes unconditional written promises, signed by makers, to pay sums certain in money on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time either to the bearer or to the order of a person designated therein. The note may be held by the reporting governmental unit as designated payee or by endorsement.

115300 - Lease Receivable

This account represents the present value of lease payments expected to be received within one year of the balance sheet date by a lessor in a leasing arrangement.

115400 - PPP Asset Receivable - Current

This account is used by a transferor to record a receivable for the right to receive an underlying asset at the end of the term in a public-private/public-public partnership according to GASB Statement 94.

116110-116980 - Inventories

This account group includes tangible personal property acquired for normal operations, supplies to be used in the production of property for resale, or supplies to be used in the production of goods and services. Inventories may be maintained under a periodic system where costs are accumulated during the period and an adjustment is made to a physical count at the end of the period. A perpetual inventory system records additions and deductions from the inventory on a continuous basis, thus providing a perpetual record of inventory on hand.

119100-119600 - Other Current Assets

This account group includes all other current assets not classified elsewhere.

Resources neither in the possession nor control of a university, but held and administered by an outside organization with the university deriving income from such funds. Includes funds established under irrevocable trusts where the university has legally enforceable rights or claims.

121XXX - Cash and Cash Equivalent
122XXX - Investments
123200-124200 - Receivables
124310-124910 - Advances and Beneficial Interests
125100-125220 - Notes Receivable

This account subgroup includes unconditional written promises, signed by makers, to pay sums certain in money on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time either to the bearer or to the order of a person designated therein. The note may be held by the reporting governmental unit as designated payee by endorsement.

125300 - Lease Receivable-Noncurrent

This account represents the present value of lease payments expected to be received at a future date at least one year or more subsequent to the balance sheet date by a lessor in a leasing arrangement.

125400 - PPP Asset Receivable - Noncurrent

This account is used by a transferor to record a receivable for the right to receive an underlying asset at the end of the term in a public-private/public-public partnership according to GASB Statement 94. Initially, the receivable will be recorded as a noncurrent receivable.

127XXX - Capital Assets

The term capital assets includes land, improvements to land, easements, buildings, building improvements, vehicles, machinery, furniture, equipment, works of art and historical treasures, infrastructure, and all other tangible or intangible assets that are used in operations and that have a normal life expectancy of more than two years.