Title | Description |
128XXX - Long Term Obligation Debits | |
129100-129900 - Other Non-Current Assets | This account group consists of assets not available to meet the cost of current operations or to pay current liabilities and not classified elsewhere. |
211100-214300; 217100 - Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities | This account group includes short term obligations and claims against the State. This group of accounts is used to record amounts due to private persons, firms, other state agencies, or corporations for goods purchased or services rendered. |
215110-215290 - Claims & Benefits Payable | This account group is used to record amounts due to eligible third party claimants within the current operating period. |
216100-216220 - Bonds & Interest Payable | This account subgroup is used to record the principal payment related to bond indebtedness which has matured or will mature within one year. |
217120-217191 - Deposits Payable | This account group is used to record payments made to state agencies by private individuals, firms and corporations which are immediately refundable under specified conditions. These include deposits made as a prerequisite to obtaining goods and services, security deposits, deposits from other funds and governmental subdivisions, escheats payable, as well as deposits required to be made for various purposes such as breakage, keys, reservations, etc. |
218110-218200 - Unearned Revenue | |
219XXX - Other Current Liabilities | Short-term Debt |
221100-224300; 227110 - Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities | This account group includes long term obligations and claims against the State. This group of accounts is used to record amounts due to private persons, firms, other state agencies, or corporations for goods purchased or services rendered. |
222310-222700 - Interfund Payable | |
225210-225290 - Claims & Benefits Payable | |
226100-226140 - Bonds & Interest Payable | This account group includes the principal and interest charges related to state debt payable at least one year or more subsequent to the balance sheet date. |
227120-227191 - Deposits Payable | |
228110 Unearned Revenue | |
229XXX - Other Non-Current Liabilities | |
431XXX - Tax Revenues | Revenues generated from taxes levied in accordance with general statues. |
432XXX - Grants | Revenues received from Federal, State, local or municipal governments, or private organizations to be used or expended for a specific purpose, activity, or facility. |
433XXX - Investment Income | Revenues derived from financial investments or loans made by the state which includes interest earned for the use of financial resources over a period of time. |
4341XX - Sale of Services | Contra-revenue accounts that will carry a debit balance and roll to sales and services on the operating statement. |
4342XX - Hospital & Medical Sales |