Leave Administration

About This RoleObtaining This Role

The Leave Administration role manages employee leave and leave balances. This role has the ability to make adjustments to absence quotas for “Advanced Sick Leave” and “Advanced Vacation Time,” and manages Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Family Illness Leave (FIL), and shared leave programs.  This role can also create manual adjustments to leave balances as required.


  • Administer leave donations
  • Assign absences to FMLA/FIL reason
  • Associate an employee’s absences with FMLA or FIL
  • Create “Advanced Sick Leave” or “Advance Vacation Leave” quotas for employee’s use
  • Determine eligibility for employees requesting leave (FMLA, FIL, VSL)
  • Review leave balances and make manual adjustments if discrepancy exists

A Security Request must be submitted by the Agency's Data Owner to create/change roles assigned to an employee's position.  The required training classes must be completed before the position gains security access to the requested role.

Required training:

  • TM230 Time Management Overview
  • TM310 Leave Administration





Additional roles added with Leave Administration:

  • Display Time

Role Conflicts:

No role conflicts