NCFS Help Documents

Displaying 101 - 125 of 291
Title Description Last Updated
CM-19 Journal Entry Approval Overview

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide conceptual information on the journal approval process in the NCFS Cash Management System. QRG CM-19 {A}.

CM-20 Correct A Rejected Journal

The following "how-to" video is a step-by-step explanation (Quick Reference Guide QRG) of how to correct a rejected journal. CM-20 {A}.

Video - Correct a Rejected Journal

CM-21 Corrective Action for Journals by Status

The purpose of this job aid is to share corrective action for manual or spreadsheet journals, i.e., missing bank account. Job Aid CM-21 {A}.

CM-22 Create an Intercompany Transfer as Receiver

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to create an intercompany transfer as receiver in the NCFS Cash Management System. Job Aid CM-22 {A}.

CM-23 Resolve Rejected Intercompany Transfer

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide a step-by-step explanation on how to Resolve Rejected Intercompany Transfers in the North Carolina Financial System. QRG CM-23

CM-24 Create an Intercompany Transfer as Provider

The purpose of this Job Aid is to explain how to create an intercompany transfer as a provider in the NCFS Cash Management System.. Job Aid CM-24 {A}.

CM-25 Intercompany Transaction and Batch Status

The purpose of this job aid is to provide a list of Available Actions for the different types of Batch Status. Job Aid CM-25 {A}.

CM-26 Schedule Reports To Run Automatically QRG

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to explain how to schedule reports to run automatically in the NCFS Cash Management System. QRG CM-26 {A}.

CM-27 Capital Improvement (CI) Cash Balance Report

The purpose of Quick Reference Guide is to explain how to navigate to and generate the Capital Improvement (CI) Cash Balance Report. QRG CM-27 {A}.

CM-28 Creating Withdrawals in NCFS QRG

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) provides North Carolina Financial System (NCFS) users step-by-step instructions on how to create a withdrawal in NCFS QRG CM-28 {A}.

CM-29 Negative Budget Code Report

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) covers the navigation to the Negative Budget Code Report and how to generate the report output. The Negative Budget Code Report provides North Carolina Financial System (NCFS) users negative cash balances by budget code (only negative amounts are included in the report). The purpose of the Negative Budget Code Report is to allow users to easily identify any budget code with a negative cash balance. CM-29 {A}.

CM-30 Reversing a Journal Entry

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) provides General Ledger (GL) Journal Entry users step-by-step instructions on how to reverse a journal entry. QRG CM-30 {A}.

CM-31 NCFS Agency Month-End Close Checklist

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is to provide agencies with a Month-End Close Checklist.  QRG CM-31

CM-33 CMCS to NCFS Screens

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) provides the adaptation of CMCS screen information data to NCFS screens and reports. QRG CM-33 {A}.

CM-34 NCFS Cash Management Process Schedule A

The purpose of this job aid is to show a detailed schedule for the NCFS Cash Management Process. QRG CM-34 {A}.

CM-35 NCFS Cash Management FAQs

The purpose of this job aid is to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding NCFS Cash Management System. QRG CM-35 {A}.

CM-36 NCFS Transaction Category Value

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to show a comprehensive list of all valid deposit and disbursement categories, as well as intercompany transfer types. QRG CM-36 {A}.

CM-37 NCFS Cash Management Spreadsheet Upload Tips and Tricks

The purpose of this quick reference guide is to provide instructions and tips for creating spreadsheet templates for Journal Entries or Intercompany (IC) Transfers using the multiple journals tabs. QRG CM-37 {A}.

CM-38 Bank Account Setup

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide a step-by-step explanation on how to set up banks, bank branches, and bank accounts in the North Carolina Financial System. QRG CM-38

CM-39 Reconcile Bank Statements Manually

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide a step-by-step explanation of how to reconcile bank statements manually in the North Carolina Financial System. QRG CM-39

CM-40 Query CM External Transactions

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide a step-by-step explanation of how to Query CM External Transactions in the North Carolina Financial System. QRG CM-40

CM-41 IC Transfer Type Values

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide a step-by-step explanation of the Intercompany (IC) Transfer Type values in the North Carolina Financial System. QRG CM-41 {A}

CM-42 Reconcile Bank Statements Automatically

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide a step-by-step explanation of how to Reconcile Bank Statement Automatically in the North Carolina Financial System. QRG CM-42

CM-43 Report Mapping for Cash Management & Intercompany

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is to provide a mapping of reports between NCFS and NCAS. QRG CM-43

CM-44 Daily Cash Transactions for Indirect Agencies

The purpose of this Quick Reference Guide is to provide an explanation of how Indirect agencies (Interface-Only) will be impacted by the upgrade from R1 to R3 of NCFS. It will cover the differences to expect while entering daily cash transactions: certificates of deposit, requisitions for payment, and transfers of funds. QRG CM-44