Name | Description | Last Updated |
MSS-02 Approve Leave Requests | The purpose of this Business Process Procedure (BPP) is to explain how to approve leave requests in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP MSS-02 {A}. |
MSS-03 Leave Request FAQs | The purpose of this job aid is to answer frequently asked questions about leave requests in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. Job Aid MSS-03 {A}. |
MSS-04 Maintain Substitutions | The purpose of this Business Process Procedure (BPP) is to explain how to maintain shift substitutions in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP MSS-04 {A}. |
MSS-05 My Team General Information | The purpose of this job aid is to explain how to access and use the general information section in My Team. MSS-05 Job Aid {A}. |
MSS-06 My Team Quota Balances Overview | The purpose of this Business Process Procedure (BPP) is to explain how to access and use the Quota Balance Overview in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP MSS-06 {A}. |
MSS-07 Reminder of Dates | The purpose of this Business Process Procedure (BPP) is to explain the Reminder of Dates page and its use in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP MSS-07 {A}. |
MSS-08 Reporting - Working Time Report | The purpose of this Business Process Procedure (BPP) is to explain how to access and use the Working Time Report in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP MSS-08 {A}. |
MSS-09 Time Leveling Report | The purpose of this Business Process Procedure (BPP) is to access and use the time leveling report in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP MSS-09 {A}. |
MSS-10 Team Calendar | The purpose of this Business Process Procedure (BPP) is to explain how to access and use the team calendar in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. BPP MSS-10 {A}. |
Multivalue Error on Web Intelligence Reports | The #MULTIVALUE error occurs when the relationship between an attribute and its parent data element are broken in a report... |
Newly Eligible QLE Form | You are now eligible for employer sponsored health coverage because of your change in working hours. Coverage will begin the first of the month following the effective date of the change in working hours. |
OM Action Notes Template | A template established by OSC & OSHR that outlines the recommended comments for all Organization Management (OM) PCRs/Actions. This Excel template is a one-stop tool for providing definitions of the OM Actions, tips, and guidelines for entering the recommended comments specific to each action. |
OM-01 County Code List | The purpose of this job aid is to provide a list of counties and their associated codes. Job Aid OM-01 {A}. |
OM-02 Display Organization Path | The purpose of this job aid is to explain how to use transaction Z_OrgPath to show logically grouped organizational units. Job Aid OM-02. |
OM-03 NC Org Charts Overview | The purpose of this job aid is to give an overview of the NC Org which integrates with SAP to create Organizational Charts. Job Aid OM-03. |
OM-03/PER-09 Employee Groups and Subgroups | The purpose of this job aid is to define all employee groups and subgroups. Job Aid PER-9 and OM-03 {A}. |
OM-04 Managing Gap Hours Comp Eligibility | The purpose of this job aid is to explain how to manage Gap hours for comp time eligibility. Job Aid OM-04. |
OM-05 Map NCAS Key to SAP | The purpose of this job aid is to provide a map for NCAS Keys to SAP. Job Aid OM-05. |
OM-06 Object Number List | The purpose of this job aid is to provide a list of object numbers by agency, with branches, and no branches. Job Aid OM-06 {A}. |
OM-07 OM Infotypes | The purpose of this job is to provide a list and description of all OM infotypes. Job Aid OM-07 {A}. |
OM-09 OM Business Workplace Overview Tree Functions | The purpose of this job aid is to explain the Overview Tree frame of the Business Workplace which is the working environment used for organizing and managing folders, documents, messages, distribution lists and objects. Job Aid OM-09. |
OM-10 OM Fields | The purpose of this job aid is to define the fields that are included in the Create New Position (position action 100) screens and tabs. The fields are listed in the order they display on the SAP screen, reading left to right from each row. Job Aid OM-10. |
OM-11 OM Pay Plan | The purpose of this job aid is to explain transaction ZOMPAYPLAN, which is used to view pay plans in their entirety or by Pay Grade Types, Areas, or Grades. Job Aid OM-11 |
OM-12 OM Position Actions | The purpose of this job aid is to provide a description for each action along with the corresponding action code. Job Aid OM-12. |
OM-13 OM Tips and Tricks | The purpose of this job aid is to act as a companion to all Organizational Management-Business Process Procedures (OM-BPP). Reference this job aid prior to following any OM BPP instructions. Job Aid OM-13. |