HR-Payroll Security Roles

The Office of the State Controller takes security very seriously. We see each person who receives a security role as a "Guardian of North Carolina's Data."  

To receive an Integrated HR-Payroll System security role, please complete the following in order: 

1. Submit a Security Request via the Agency Data Owner to create/change roles assigned to an employee's position. 

2. Complete the required training classes. Class registration priority is given to those with outstanding security role requests. If the requested role is inquiry only, then class completion is not required but highly recommended.

Security roles define:

  • What activities users may perform in the Integrated HR-Payroll System.
  • The data users have authority to create and view based on your organization, agency and level.
  • Required training to obtain the role.

Below are the Security Roles for the State of North Carolina in the Integrated HR-Payroll System. 

Agency Data Owners

Data Owner Handbook

HR-Payroll System Course Listing

HR-Payroll Security Role Required Training Additional Recommended Training Role Conflicts
Agency Position Funding Approver OM200 | WF225 None HR Master Data Maintainer and HR Master Data Approver
Charge Object Maintainer TM230 | TM330 None None
Display Organization Management None OM200 None
Display Payroll None PY200 | PY300 None
FMLA Event Maintainer TM230 | TM310 None None
Grievance Maintainer PA210 | PA321 None None
HR Master Data Approver PA210 | WF220 None HR Master Data Maintainer and Agency Position Funding Approver
HR Master Data Maintainer PA210 | PA309 | PA310 | PA313 PA420 | WF220 HR Master Data Approver, Agency Poisition Funding Approver, and Payroll Administration
Leave Administration TM230 | TM310 None None
OM Position Approver OM200 | WF220 None None
OM Position Requestor OM200 | OM210 None None
Payroll Administrator PY200 | PY300 None None
Short Term Disability Specialist TM300 | TM310 | PA210 | PA370 None None
Time Administrator TM230 | TM300 None None
Benefits Display Overview None BN200 None